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Maxed Out Negotiations Course

  • 29 Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


Don't let newbie mistakes cost you! Learn how to FIND & NEGOTIATE your next travel contract like a PRO! The Maxed Out Negotiations Course will teach you a process that works over and over. I use to dread having to negotiate my next contract. I always felt like recruiters did not listen to me and they were not willing to offer me good pay rates. But now using the Maxed Out Negotiations strategy finding and negotiating a good contract is easier and takes less time. This course will teach you lots but its main focuses are teaching you how the industry works, how to recognize good contract, how to find good contracts, and how to use leverage to make negotiating easier. This course has lots to offer including scripting frequently used when talking to recruiters, recruiter scams to avoid, how to find out which agency might pay you the most, and much more. By purchasing this course you get lifetime access to the course along with any other materials added in the future.

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Maxed Out Course


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