If your mobile operator applies a data volume limit, it should be at least the volume obtained by dividing the remaining credit on your pre-paid card by €2 as soon you start using data roaming services. You will get the same volume of roaming data that you've paid for in advance. You can of course top up your credit while you're travelling. Roaming with a pre-paid card: data limits Jana lives in Slovakia and has a pre-paid card with €15 credit (including VAT) for her mobile phone, which covers calls, text messages and data services.
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Roaming: what you pay to use your smartphone in another EU country - Your EuropeWhen you travel outside your home country to another EU country, you don't have to pay any additional charges to use your mobile phone. This is known as "roaming" or "roam like at home". Your calls (to mobile and fixed phones), text messages (SMS) and data use (web browsing, music and video streaming etc. ) are charged at domestic rates, i.
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When she goes on holiday to Spain, she has €12 (excluding VAT) credit left on her card. This means that during her holiday in Spain Jana can have a volume of data equal to the value of the remaining credit on her pre-paid card. She will get at least 6 GB of roaming data (€12/€2 = 6). My contract includes limited data If you have a mobile phone contract with a limited data allowance, you can use this allowance when you travel in the EU at no extra cost. The data allowance in your contract is your limit when roaming. However, if you have a very cheap mobile data unit price in your contract (less than €1 / GB in 2022 and decreasing over time), your operator may apply a "fair use" data limit when you're roaming.
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Lithuania cbank eyes loan limit to avoid new bubble 30 mai 2011 — Lithuania's central bank said on Monday it wanted to tighten loan-to-value (LTV) ratios on mortgages to prevent new property bubbles.
However, the volume of data must be at least twice the amount obtained by dividing the price of your mobile contract (excluding VAT) by the wholesale data roaming cap (€2 + VAT in 2022). Your operator must tell you how much data is in your roaming allowance. If you go over your allowance while roaming, you will be charged extra. However, this surcharge will be limited to the wholesale data cap (€2 / GB + VAT in 2022).
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